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I was a UN lawyer for 10 years before I decided to follow the call of my soul to change life completely and  really become who I am, that is: a healing channel and spiritual guide.

My specificity as a therapist is to help people open their heart and make a shift of consciousness to leave their personal matrix of limitation, suffering and drama, and finally embrace their soul matrix.

This includes some shadow work and for this I use different technics including chakras healing and opening of akashic records, as well as spiritual hypnosis  bringing people to alternative state of consciousness (without plants) to heal memories from you current life, past life or in-utero life. I work also on cellular memories coming from former generations and ancestors.

Embodying our soul matrix includes as well some light work and need of reconnexion and alignement to our highest potential. 

I love nothing more than seeing my clients operating a quantic jump of transformation and evolution when they start to really embrace their soul matrix and start creating a more vibrant and happy life. 

I work mainly on Paris and also at distance which means you can stay at home and receive the treatement. However a strong internet connection is a must for some treatments.




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phenixbleu.com, site d'Helvise Gallet - PARIS - n° SIRET: 889 105 136 00010 - n° TVA: FR 11 88 91 05 136


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